GBS Gearbox Services international brand of Schaaf- en Boorwerk Rotterdam B.V.
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GBS Gearbox Services international

Windenergy onsite-maintenance and logistics

We have cooperations with specialist for onsite-maintenance and logistics

Jan. 2010 - GBS Gearbox Services is the fastest, full service, worldwide specialist in gearbox inspection of windturbine gearboxes. GBS is a specialist in the field (on-site) inspection, repair and alignment of gearboxes. Our specialists have an extensive track record. The total repair costs and lead times are also determined by the logistical operations on site. If our customers do not have a regular supplier for total maintenance or for the on-site logistics, we can advise you with this. Furthermore, we want long term relationships with wind turbine maintenance companies to exchange the right practical data to obtain information on the performance of wind turbine gearboxes, thereby continuing to work on new improvements and modifications.

Dennis Janse
Sales Service
Tel. +31 186 645 550

Mobile +31 6 20 696 954